2024Panel 13Saturday 28th SeptemberWarhammer 40k

Rule Consequentialism and the Edict of Nikaea

In the Horus Heresy series, the Edict of Nikaea looms large as one of the setting’s most pivotal narrative events. With the Edict, the Emperor proscribed the use of Warp-derived psyker powers by the Legiones Astartes and nominally disbanded the psychically-gifted Librarius orders—at great cost both to the individual Astartes of the Librarius and to …

2024Panel 10Saturday 28th SeptemberWarhammer 40k

Are We the Baddies?: The Ethical Implications of the Imperium’s War with Chaos and the Inverted Meaning of Order

Abstract The Imperium of Man is often portrayed as the last bastion against the corrupting influenceof Chaos. Yet, the methods employed by the Imperium are as ruthless as the enemies theyseek to destroy. Governed by the decrees of the God-Emperor, the Imperium enforces abrutal order through fear, repression, and unyielding orthodoxy. It is a society …