
Warhammer 40k shows humanity in a complex, yet simple situation. Surrounded by multiple hostile species, war changed from a project to unite all humanity under the guide of the emperor to a eternal necessity, no matter what the cost of ‘xenos’ or even human lives. This raises questions about legitimate self-defense, imperial conquest, genocide and the self-perpetuation of a political-millitary hegemony in a society under siege. These problems will be evaluated from a Hegelian-Marxist perspective and answered with a special focus on recognition, the philosophical foundation of a ius gentium and interdependent economical aspects. The aim of the presentation is a philosophical ‘ray of hope’ for a universe in darkness, which shows a way out of the relationship of the struggle of all against all.

Author bio

Paul Louis Mikat:

  • B.A. in History/Philosophy (2013-2016)
  • M.A. in Ancient History (2016-2018)
  • PhD student at the Department of Ancient Studies at FSU Jena since 2019 with his PhD project titled “Als Kaiser Justinus dieses Angebot sah, war er sehr erfreut. Das begreifende Denken der persisch-römischen Kooperation 400-600 n. Chr.”

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