
The Warhammer 40k universe, set roughly 38,000 years in the future, presents an intriguing opportunity to explore the potential trajectory of technological advancement. This abstract proposes a comparative analysis of historical technological development with speculative projections for the next 38 millennia, drawing on the rich technological landscape depicted in Warhammer 40k.

Technological progress over the past few millennia has been marked by exponential growth, with significant advancements occurring at an accelerating pace. From the early use of simple tools and the advent of agriculture, to the industrial revolution and the digital age, humanity has experienced transformative changes in relatively short periods. By examining key historical milestones and the factors that drove these advancements, we can identify patterns and drivers of innovation, such as resource availability, socio-political structures, and scientific breakthroughs.

This presentation will use these historical insights as a foundation to speculate on the future of technology. We will explore potential developments in various fields, including energy production, space exploration, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and materials science. The speculative technologies in Warhammer 40k, such as warp travel, artificial intelligence, and advanced weaponry, will serve as case studies to ground our projections within the lore of the 41st millennium.

We will consider several scenarios for technological evolution, taking into account potential accelerators such as increased computational power, quantum computing, and the potential for breakthroughs in fundamental physics. Conversely, we will also address potential inhibitors, including socio-economic instability, environmental challenges, and ethical considerations that may slow or redirect technological progress.

The talk will be structured around three main themes: the pace of technological change, the integration of new technologies into society, and the potential risks and ethical dilemmas associated with advanced technologies. By examining these themes through both historical and speculative lenses, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of what technological development over the next 38,000 years might look like, and how it compares to the universe of Warhammer 40k.

Author bio

Sascha Vogel studied Theoretical Physics at the University of Frankfurt, then did a postdoc at the Subatech in France. After stops in science management and graduate education he founded the science communication agency “science birds” and is combing his passion for education, science and nerd-stuff for the last couple of years.

Sascha is joined for this presentation by Tom Reichert

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